Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sunday's Scenarios

Preaching in the township with an interpreter. 
Someone needs to invent flash photography without the blinding flash......Fried eyes!
Brianna playing with the dog after our study

I'm so thankful for a father who not only cares about his family, but reaches out to others in need. With solid, Godly homes being practically nonexistent in South Africa. Dad's become a "Dad", so to speak, to many young men who have no godly influence. Praise the Lord for men willing to step up to the challenge. 

Sunday nights wouldn't be complete without a cuppa and popcorn. 

In Africa, the government pays a mother for each illegitimate child she has. Several yrs back, we became aware that several Africans thought the U.S. government was paying $$ for each of us kids. When we took pictures of the Africans, they assumed we'd pay them some of that cash. First off, we're not illegitimate & we're not being paid by the U.S. government. I completely forgot about this till tonight's scenario...A little girl asked me to take a picture of her, so I obliged. Next thing I knew, she was dancing around me yelling, "Give Money! Give Money!" Just an example of third-world thinking. Sometime I have a hard time wrapping my mind around it. 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Saturday in Snapshots

Saturdays in the Wilhite household are usually reserved for weekend chores, but once those are done, there's nothing more fun than playing outdoors with the neighbor kids. 

It's apparently more fun to play with crutches when you have 2 good legs :)
Josh helping David lay bricks in the patio (a.k.a. stoop)
Tonka trucks on site make the work load easier.
My heroes who saved the day and helped rid the house of one pesky mouse.
We had a bit of an "mousecapade" this afternoon. I was mixing up a batch of muffins when the oven began to smell weird. Great, the mice are back. They have this annoying habit of chewing through the wires and stealing insulation. The great mouse-hunt began. 5 boys + 2 airsoft guns + a rubber mallet + needed brooms, boxes, cell phone (kids reasoning: the noise will scare it, right?), bamboo sticks, etc. = one dead mouse. The office, kitchen and scullery were in state of chaos at the end, but now this girl can bake in peace once again. Well, as soon as we repair the oven, that is. I have no pity on the beast that comes between me and my mixing bowl. I rest my case. ;)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Let's Play Ball

I glanced out the window this morning and saw Dad tossing a rugby ball to Josh. 

Soon someone else noticed the ball being thrown around, grabbed his "deflated" basketball and trotted out to play .

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day

We had a full weekend, celebrating close to 30 years of motherhood for my Mum. Life is so much more grand when your mother isn't just your mother, but your friend. Seriously, this lady makes friends with anyone and everyone. Readily found that out when she was away and complete strangers would walk up and give me a hug, ask how the family is, etc. "And you are??" Gotta love Mum. 

I meant to get a picture of the kids and Mum all spiffed up, but the day got away from us.  Pardon the late night smiles :)
Honoring the Mothers in attendance. 6 total. 
 Praising the LORD for a decent turnout to services Sunday morning. During Sunday School, I was attempting to describe what boils were (10 plagues) and used the word "bubbles". One little 4 yr old exclaimed, "Oh! like the bubbles you blow with your mouth!" Not quite, Hun. Later on, we were talking about the Angel of Death and our little chatterbox piped up once more, "I know! Like when you lose a tooth and the Tooth Fairy comes and takes it away!" Help.... :D
Love Dad's expression
 We invited folks back to our place for a meal, Bible study and game. Dad's Zonk/Wham is a hit down here. The teams were quizzed over the Book of Ruth, which was the topic of the morning's message. 

Uya got the best reactions to his Zonk circle :)
11 kids, 2 son-in-laws, & 8 grandbabies (1 in Heaven) later....looking good!
He came up and with a hug said, "Chocolate & banana?" He's now my little chocolate. Love this boy 
Perfect Ending to a good day...Family reading & prayer. 
What happens when you're trying to brush your teeth and your 2 big brothers walk in the room...
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Sunday, May 12, 2013


They grow veggies big here :)
Coming Soon!! Lemon Curd, Lemon Bars, Lemonade, Lemon Bundt Cake, Homemade potpourri, or just a squeeze of this fruity goodness in a cuppa... 
Random Twists
Brianna and Buddy catching some winter sun.
All ready for company. So thankful for a room that meets my needs and doubles as a guestroom. 
Need I say more?

Friday, May 3, 2013

Of Mommas and Dramas

She's Arrived! Mum flew in a week ago, but before the renegades could run her over, she and Dad took a weekend and visited our dear fellow missionaries, the Norbergs.  The Bloemfontein Fair had commenced, giving the two couples an opportunity to set up a booth and talk to people about the LORD. 

As crazy as it may sound, the theme of the fair was "The Wild West". African cowboys...quite the picture! 

[Catching a rare nap]

Just hours before Dad and Mum were to drive home (8 hrs north), Joel tried to reenact a stunt of his. This boy loves flipping off buildings, walls, trees, etc. Anything high. Only, this time, it didn't work out so well. I can't thank the LORD enough that my friend, Michelle, was there to help out. 3-4 hrs in an emergency room with a broken arm can get pretty tedious. Joel was a real trooper, putting up with all the poking, prodding, shots, teasing, and such like. He is now the hero to 9 big/little kids around the Plot. 


Thankfully, no surgery was needed. Just a cast for 4-6 wks. Though he's bummed about the no-more-flips rule, he certainly couldn't hold back a smile at the thought of less chores!

Mum found Joel just laying out in the middle of the yard, fast asleep. On cool autumn days, you take whatever sun you can get :)

Couldn't help but add a couple "sweetness" pix. The nieces sure do love their Aunty Dy.

This is what I must of looked like when Mum came home...well, not quite. They're waaayyyy cuter!