After 33 hours in transit, I finally reached my home away from home. Well, they say home is where the heart is and I'm beginning to believe it. Though Africa is my home, 4 little munchkins in Maryland stole my heart at first glance. Meet my nieces...Madelyn (right) Meredith (center), Mikah (left), and Moriah (pictured farther down). Their antics never cease to amaze me. Mikah's sleepy, "I love you, Tannie," melts me, Meredith's unending energy makes me slightly jealous, Madelyn's infectious giggle produces
giggles laughs of my own, and Moriah's sweet-natured temperament keeps my sanity in check (it is possible, honest).
Got our first snow, much to everyone's delight |
My sister babysits 2 other children on weekdays, creating a hectic, but rather fun atmosphere. Hence, the days fly by! |
My sister, brother-in-law and nieces made the 3-4 hour trip up to my hometown in for a family Thanksgiving. All the stateside siblings, minus 1 were able to gather for pie that evening. Just a f.y.i....jetlag/reverse culture shock is brutal. Do not try to carry on a conversation when you're beyond exhaustion. Epic'd think I'd be used to this by now.
Moriah Jayne. Love my girl! |

Aron, Dea and I attended a church Christmas banquet one evening. Fantabulous time~

Mikah love wearing "silly hats". Even if it is a baby doll and not a hat.