My head is pounding! The paintball/water park down the road has decided to disrupt our peaceful little area with its music, cranked up at full blast. Maybe I should invest in a good pair of earplugs. the meantime, I solace myself with instrumental Christmas music. Do you think if I blasted "Silent Night" tomorrow, that they'd mind??
Music has a significant part in our family life. All us kids, except Josh, play an instrument, though some of us (*ahem) are still in the beginning stages. Piano, trumpet, flute, chroma harp, bells, violin, saxophone & dulcimer are the majority of our instruments. I only claim the right to pounding out 3rd grade level pieces on the piano. My younger siblings find great joy in being better than their big sis. I was rightly put in my place a year or so ago when my (at the time) 9 yr. old sister said with a tinge of exasperation, "You're still on that song?? I had it down the first week. You're playing it all wrong!" Thanks, Bri... :) At least it gave me the motivation to push ahead and keep at it. You're never too old to start, eh? I guess to also helps that I have probably the most patient teacher in all the world. :)
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