Our missionary retreat ended on the 6’th, which coincided with my 10’th spiritual birthday. That day, 10 yrs ago, was the most miserable and yet most marvelous day in my life…The struggle over my sin which brought me to my knees in repentance. Yes, even missionary kids need salvation. You can grow up having a head knowledge of God, but if you haven’t let Him in your heart personally, you’re far worse off. I am eternally thankful for Christ’s Work on the Cross!
Brianna & I accompanied the Kuzel family back to their home in White River. We had a lovely 10 day visit. I’d say relaxing, but when you have a 2 little girls plotting schemes on how to wake you up at 6 a.m., it’s not all that restful
! Shoes under the pillow, songs blared less than a ft from your head, mud painted on your face (that I caught before it started!), etc. It usually ended in pillow fights and laughter galore. Bri & Alayna were two peas in a pod, let me tell ya!
Sunday morning, we attended the church service held in Kabokweni. I loved meeting the deaf (shame on me, for not knowing more sign language!) and fellow believers. Later, we headed up to Endwaleni where Bro. Augustine preached completely in siSwati. My limited knowledge of Ndebele (similar language) allowed me to recognize the words for God, Spirit, Bible & a few other words. Many Africans can speak up to 4 or 5 languages…I struggle enough with English!
We had 3 fellows over for lunch and some fellowship. That evening, we gathered for singing & testimonies. I never tire of hearing how Christ’s worked to bring souls to Him. Imagine what Heaven will be like someday!
Monday, the girls & I took a bike ride through the Macadamia trees. We were having such a grand adventure that we failed to notice that my phone was gone. Searching for something so small as dusk crept in….talk about hard! Bri happened upon it, after Alayna & I had passed right on by, praise the Lord!
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