Friday, August 23, 2013

Little Blessings

When life's a whirl, sometimes I just need to stop and take a moment to count my blessings. Little as they may seem, they far out-weigh the difficulties in the long run.

An 8 yr old brother who's a whit and a cute one at that!

Moments when African culture plays a huge role in babysitting. Struck out on the blankie, songs, rocking part. But flip the kid on you back and he's out like a flash.

A dad who gets creative during the song service. 

Brothers who know how to make me laugh.

New sights in the neighborhood. 

God always providing for our needs. Last month, friends gave us Wildebeest. This month, the neighbors supplied us with fresh pork. What does next month hold?!? (Dad says, "Roadkill." That I sincerely hope not!)
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Saturday, August 10, 2013

One year ago today...

 In a while,  in a word, 
Every moment now returns

For a while, seen or heard, 
How each memory softly burns.

Facing you who brings me new tomorrows, 
I thank God for yesterdays, 

How they led me to this very hour, 
How they led me to this place...

Every touch, every smile, 
You have given me in care.

Keep in heart, always I'll, 
Now be treasuring everywhere. 

And if life should come to just one question,
Do I hold this moment true?

No trace of sadness, 
Always with gladness...

'I DO...'

Happy 1st anniversary to one of my best friends , Kate & her groom, Tino! Thank you for letting me be a part of your lives~

(photo credits: Kristina McNabb & Jared Boyd)
(Lyrics sung at the wedding)

Monday, August 5, 2013

First Day of School

First day of school! First day of school! I feel like the fish, Nemo, swimming about all happy like. Till I hit the reef. Really? Only 4 kids left in school? What will we do with such a small group of kids? Hmm. Adopt a few more? Okay, so maybe not. But the school table looks so empty. Guess I'll just have to adjust. Too bad my excitement didn't spread over to the kids. Of course, leaving my textbooks behind 8 yrs ago when I graduated, or matriculated as is said here, may or may not have something to do with it. : ) We opted for an earlier start this year, as our next furlough is rapidly approaching. Probably not till the spring/summer of 2014, but traveling & school just don't get along together.

Joel's arm is doing well and recovering. He still loves grossing me out with it, but I'm working on the whole "not getting grossed out at disgusting things" the meantime, I've taken to calling him Frank. Short for Frankenstein, which is what my vivid imagination pictures when I see those staple marks. He just laughs and runs off. 
Chemisty. Proving to be Drew's least favorite subject, after only 1 day. 

Reading was always the favored past time in our household. We wake up and read our Bibles. We fall asleep with a mystery novel tucked under an arm. Dad reads to us in Family Bible time each morning, and every evening we gather around the fire or his bed for another adventure in the life of a missionary, game ranger or historical figure. 

After school hours, Dad took the 4 kids into town to run errands and find shoes. With the onset of a nasty flu season, it was high time to replace the kids' worn out tekkies. No sense trekking around the house barefoot and then trying to battle the sniffles. Perks being that Brianna now wears the same size shoe as I do. I can finally steal her cute shoes. Oh wait. That also means she can steal mine...not sure I want an 11 yr old climbing trees in my heels (trust me, she would!). 
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Friday, August 2, 2013

Adventures in Babysitting

A week ago today I was babysitting these munchkins...Seeing as we live a good hour apart, Josh & I just spent the weekend with them. 
Making pretzel bites together is fast becoming a tradition :)

Over a 4 day span, we played many games of Uno, Phase 10, baseball, etc. When Luke says, "I'm gonna be hard! I'm not gonna be easy on you," he means it. By hook or by crook, this kid is out to win. 

Playing baseball all afternoon. Boys vs. Girls 

Anna & Ginger, the new puppy.

The Sunday morning church service was held in Nkowankowa (N-coe-ah-n-coe-ah). Just before the service started, Joel Hammett plunked this fellow onto my lap. Boys & bugs...what's new?

That's one way to wear a scarf :)
Koko (grandma) explaining something about African culture.

While the other 3 kids were expending their energy outdoors, Lukey & I were having just a bit too much fun with webcam :)