Tuesday, January 7, 2014


My last full day in the States is drawing just about over and the final goodbyes will be said tomorrow. I detest goodbyes. Anyone with me on that one?? And those tear jerking moments when you have to say "see ya later", without knowing how long "later" will be...Yeah. Not fun. Bid adieu to 3 of my siblings on Friday, 1 on Sunday and 1 more to go tomorrow. Prayer's appreciated...gonna be a rough flight ;)
Jeremiah, Derek, Jon, me, Dyanna
Homework time for our Kindergartner.

Shout out to my sister, Dea, who's an amazing packer!!! And those bags are still underweight ;)


  1. Aw! I'll be praying for you. I cried and cried on my flight back last time, so I know how rough that is. Love you ... have a good flight ... and talk to you soon!

  2. Dies Dianna stay in the states?
